.archives. will you be here~? Profile. Name: ZX Birthday: 14 July 1992 Home: Over there Job: Guess Listening to: YUI Loving: YUI Hating: Sleep Deprivation Random Phrase: War doesn't determine who is right. But who is left. Adores YUI Sleeping Loathes That over there Yup that's the one
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Zhi Xuan [] |
That is all. Sometimes you can't do anything about it. .Anonymous dreamt at 7:37 PM on Saturday, July 12, 2008 Ghost writing usually means writing/co-writing a book/article under another person's name. This is posting very infrequently, and meant for the reader who chances upon this blog or decides to see what an acquaintance's old blog was like. This is ghost writing in a sense that I write, but nobody knows that I am writing. Ok nevermind. Things Fall Apart. Things change, and more often than not, they fall apart. Between each of my post, there have been many changes, for good or for worse. What you may find as life's constant may very well change the next day. Say a very close friend suddenly tells you "I'm migrating." Cliche? It still hurts when such things happen. It is easy to just shrug it off and say "Move on you tool..." but can you really move on? Leave everything behind and just pretend it all never happened? Then again, consider the alternative. Imagine not trying to leave it all behind and instead let it haunt you for an indefinite period of time. Its your life, you choose. Never forget that things fall apart. Its only a matter of when. It sounds pessimistic but when you think about it, the be all end all of life is still death. Sure, you may come to accept it as you grow older, but in the end, life still falls apart. Now let's not get all gloomy and dreary. On to previous example. So your friend says "I'm migrating." Remember this is one of your closest friends. What will you do? I can't say much really but I do have one piece of advice. It is NOT death. It is not the ultimate be all end all of life. Your friend (hereafter referred to as Y) is migrating, leaving the country and not walking through a portal to the realm-of-no-return. Also, it would be foolish to spend the last few times you'll meet each other in the near future (read 10 years. Discuss) going all "gloomy and dreary" as mentioned in previous post. I say forget that anything is happening and be NORMAL. Now imagine if you spent your last few moments with Y moping, sulking and cutting your wrists. Assuming the worst that you never meet Y again, your last memories will be moping, sulking and losing blood. I can't speak for the general public but I say that isn't fun. Very importantly too, so Y is migrating. The preferred choice of transport would obviously be the aeroplane. Its nice and convenient and you don't get seasick. Swimming is a bad choice, I hear water isn't good for your luggage but I don't know. So private runways aside, you normally go to the airport to see Y off. Here's Tip#3. Don't mope,sulk or cut anybody's wrists. Also, don't cry. Fun fun fun.... fun. This is THE last memory you're gonna have with Y. Tell all friends present. DON'T CRY. The last thing you want is for everyone to get all emotional and have a teary farewell. Smile, be happy and bid Y a cheery farewell. You won't regret it. So now Y has left and you're on the lonely trip home. You recall the fun you had with Y (see? Wasn't a bad idea to not mope right?) and suddenly you're sad. You really want to cry. Very well, cry. Let it all out or burst like a balloon. Things fell apart and you're sad to see it happen. If you held back your tears to this stage, congratulations you made it. Let it all out now and hopefully you feel better tomorrow. Y has taken flight. You look up at the aeroplane passing overhead. "Y is in that plane, I know it." Your eyes follow the plane and the tears flow freely. You can't do anything to change it now. Accept life as it comes and let it go. However, letting go does not mean you forget about Y. Keep the memories close to your heart and remember the good times. Never forget, this isn't the end of life. Maybe 10 years down the road you bump into a stranger on the road. You help the stranger up find yourself staring into Y's face. Refer to previous post where I quoted a song. Get some translations done. It actually means something you know. P.S. (It means postscript by the way if you're wondering) If you have any strong comments about any of my posts and wish that I burn in hell for what I've written, do leave something on the tagboard. .Anonymous dreamt at 11:29 PM on Sunday, April 27, 2008 Donna ni tooku ni itemo, kawaranai yo kono kokoro Iitai koto wakaru deshou? Anata no koto matteru yo That is all. .Anonymous dreamt at 7:02 PM on Monday, March 31, 2008 A few weeks back, starting from the 19th of November. I've come to a conclusion that indeed Life Sucks. First of all, the chalet we attended was, to say the least, abysmal. We spent the hours awake watching Kids Central and Vasantham (sp?), laughing at every little thing. The barbeque was pretty well done though. We had 2 heroes, Thaddeus and Chiang Fong cooking and the rest of us freeloading. Suffice to say, most people were bored and desperate to leave by the end of "dinner". People left (including me) and I have no clue as to who stayed behind. Apart from horrible chalets, things took a turn for the worse on that day. One could say I'm overreacting, and I agree. That's who I am, don't like it? QQ thanks. 21st November, I left for Tianjin. It was a wonderful trip. The food was superb, beef and mutton and more beef and more mutton, even more beef and even more mutton. But believe me when I say they have no limit to the way they prepare the meat. I thoroughly enjoyed my stay and come 30th, my departure date, I was reassured that Life Sucks. Fast forward 3 days and here I am, typing this out for nobody to read. I asked a friend quite a while back, "What would your impression of your World of Warcraft character be, if it came to life?". The reply was, "A crazy fool running around, swinging a sword and screaming "Argh"." Interesting no? I was also asked to join in a basketball game and some badminton. I have two objections to this. Firstly, you can call me an introvert, but I would not enjoy playing said sports with people I don't know at all... barely know. Secondly, let it be known that this person (me) does not play sports anymore. Sports is dead to me, enough said. Waterpolo is a thing of the past. When stuff happened and I stopped, I swore I would never go back to sports. See how holidays have been ruined with weekly training. Perhaps it would not be a big issue to people who have passion and strive to win the championships etc. etc. Not me. I like the sport, but I don't see how I can dedicate myself so fully to something which I will leave behind in a few years time. I spend so much time on the sport, with possible serious repercussions and I get nothing out of it in return. Call me mercenary, that's the way I am. As to why I stopped, I cannot elaborate, no matter how much I want to. For your information, what I am doing here is like posting in the shadows. Nobody knows this blog has been updated, and they may not even care. I still do this because the poor blog hopper may stumble upon this page one day. Most importantly, one day a 2-3 years down the road, I can remember who I was at the time of post. On a side note, the first episodes of Sesame Street has been rereleased on DVD and hos gotten a unsuitable for Children rating. The Barney company took a website to court for saying Barney was the Anti-Christ, the company lost. Spongebob Squarepants has been deemed unsuitable for children as he and the starfish could be gay. Lastly, the purple teletubby is seen to be gay as he is purple and carries a handbag, people say this promotes homosexuality. Some people.... .Anonymous dreamt at 2:44 PM on Monday, December 03, 2007 First of all, so as not to bring up your hopes, I will NOT be regularly updating this blog. Read NOT. It must be said that my life does NOT revolve around blogging nor do I approve of blogging as a safe/healthy pastime. In case of emergencies please exit through the fire exit in an orderly fashion. Thank You. Before we continue, do allow me to say one thing. YUI > you. Don't forget. Everybody loves YUI. If you disagree you may get out of here now. You may claim my fascination with YUI to be an obsession and I shall do nothing to discredit you. Everyone is entitled to his own opinions no? Unless these opinions are somewhat similar to "YUI SUXX0R5 U N00B" or the like. May the ranting begin. So I've read some blogs of my acquaintances and I must say I'm thoroughly shocked. What is with youngsters and bad English? Is it that hard to type in a proper manner? Furthermore, what is with the vulgarities people? Is there so much hate in you that spewing such foul words the best way to let it out? I can give to you so many other ways to take out your anger, however, it would be unbecoming of me. My message for you today, minions, Speak/Type in good proper English. "0mg 1ts a bl0g u n00b gr0w up hahahahaha" you say. I only ask of you, "What the hell are you trying to say?". Why bother typing something to the general public if General Public cannot understand what You are trying to say? The only err... "n00b" I can see is you. Go ahead take offence. I don't care. It is extremely disheartening to see the youths of our day partaking in such uncouth practices as mentioned above. Is it really a hassle to type "You"? Must you really use "u"? Ok fine, it may relieve a great load on you and give your fingers less work to do. Now explain to me the use of "todae" and "hahax" and "eu" (in place of "you" just in case you did not know.) The last I counted "todae" had the same number of letters as "today" and "hahax" has *gasp* 1 more letter than "haha"! GOD FORBID! Taking it a step further would be "hahaxxxxxxxx". Mysteries of the internet age. I have recently noticed the amount of insults which students trade these days. I must say I am highly disappointed. Lack of creativity is scary. Must all insults contain a word with a semblance of vulgarity? I'm pretty sure I could write three paragraphs with content so offensive that you'd start tearing and it would not contain a single word of vulgarity. Shocking isn't it? Moving on, I must say alchohol is interesting when taken in light amounts. Read Light Amounts. Anything more than that can be anything between mildly humourous and downright catastrophic. I again sincerely apologise for any misunderstandings or distress I have brought upon anybody during such times when I intake a little more than the recommended "light amounts". Also, please disregard any rumours/jokes/nonsense that have arised during my semi-unconscious state as they are strictly untrue and not licensed by me. Take heart people. The revisions are getting you down but I believe that you will survive through this ordeal if you love YUI, which you do. With that, I bid you farewell. You may not return to whatever you were doing before you were so rudely interrupted. .Anonymous dreamt at 10:18 PM on Sunday, September 09, 2007 Lets talk about change. Change is a bad thing. Criticise me all you want but it doesn't change the fact that change sucks. Let's face it. Do you like change? Oh sure we may be promised good things in the future. Can you bear to change? Some things change. You cant go against it. What can you do? Fail? Die? Collapse in a heap and whine? Yeah i thought so. Its so you. Take blogger for example. Why change it to this new way of posting and editing and stuff. After a year away from this page, I realised that Blogger has changed alot. Google sign in? Drag and drop template editting? What happened to good old fashioned HTML? It really is kind of sad... Life. It all boils down to life. What is life? You don't know do you? "What the hell is wrong with this retard?" you are thinking. Well, guess what. I DON'T CARE. Get a life. Stop reading other peoples blogs. Its a stupid waste of your time. Like it is mine to post such a stupid thing. So change. Can you accept change? Apparently not. Take MR HKK for example. Im pretty sure he couldn't bear to part with his well grown hair. Change is inevitable. Its only a matter of time before you have to leave your school. You may end up somewhere across the causeway for all you know. And if you really do... HAHAHA. Surprising attitude. Some people just don't know where to draw the line. There are some things that can be joked about and some things that can't be. It differs with people really. Not just this. Some people think they are being really really funny by doing some things. They don't stop even when people ask them to. Ok its funny at first. Then it gets goddamn irritating. I live to live. Not to take crap from people dishing it out at random to the poor person passing in front of them. Life sucks. Get used to it. Cant get used to it? Life is SO not a bed od roses. If you DO think it is... then good luck. You are so screwed .Anonymous dreamt at 9:07 PM on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 .Anonymous dreamt at 12:56 AM on Friday, September 15, 2006 |